
4o. Congreso de la Declaración de Madrid sobre la Ozonoterapia

“Por la Unificación de Criterios en la Práctica de la Ozonoterapia”
Evento científico organizado por ISCO3

Recent News

Updating of the Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy

By |julio 9th, 2019|Categories: Important Events, Madrid Declaration 2nd Edition, Official Documents, Publications|

ISCO3 (International Scientific Committee of Ozone Therapy) is the entity in charge of updating the

6th International Congress of Aepromo and Launching of the 3rd edition of the Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy. Update made by ISCO3

By |julio 3rd, 2019|Categories: Coming Soon Congress & Meetings, Congress & Meetings around the world|

“With the Objective that the Medical Act of Ozone Therapy is Practiced worldwide with scientific

ISCO3 elects its 21 members for the period January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2024

By |julio 2nd, 2019|Categories: Important Events, ISCO3|

Every 5 years Isco3 elects its 21 members. Interested health professionals may apply until October

Recent News

julio 9, 2019

Updating of the Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy

By |julio 9th, 2019|Categories: Important Events, Madrid Declaration 2nd Edition, Official Documents, Publications|

ISCO3 (International Scientific Committee of Ozone Therapy) is the entity in charge of updating the

6th International Congress of Aepromo and Launching of the 3rd edition of the Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy. Update made by ISCO3

By |julio 3rd, 2019|Categories: Coming Soon Congress & Meetings, Congress & Meetings around the world|

“With the Objective that the Medical Act of Ozone Therapy is Practiced worldwide with scientific

ISCO3 elects its 21 members for the period January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2024

By |julio 2nd, 2019|Categories: Important Events, ISCO3|

Every 5 years Isco3 elects its 21 members. Interested health professionals may apply until October