4o. Congreso de la Declaración de Madrid sobre la Ozonoterapia
“Por la Unificación de Criterios en la Práctica de la Ozonoterapia”
Evento científico organizado por ISCO3
Recent News
Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy in five languages. ISCO3, 2nd., ed., 2015, 50 pages
The Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy is available right now in the following five languages:
“Physico-chemical characterization of ozonized oil. Peroxide Value”, a new Official Document by ISCO3.
“Physico-chemical characterization of ozonized oil. Peroxide Value”, a new Official Document by ISCO3 (March 15th, 2016).
New Official Document: Subcutaneous infiltration of hands (Glove technic)
New approved method: ISCO3/MET/00/17 Subcutaneous infiltration of hands (Glove technic), according to the Good Clinical
Recent News
marzo 26, 2016
Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy in five languages. ISCO3, 2nd., ed., 2015, 50 pages
The Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy is available right now in the following five languages:
“Physico-chemical characterization of ozonized oil. Peroxide Value”, a new Official Document by ISCO3.
“Physico-chemical characterization of ozonized oil. Peroxide Value”, a new Official Document by ISCO3 (March 15th, 2016).
febrero 4, 2016
New Official Document: Subcutaneous infiltration of hands (Glove technic)
New approved method: ISCO3/MET/00/17 Subcutaneous infiltration of hands (Glove technic), according to the Good Clinical