
Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy, 3rd edition, 2020
In 9 languages:
English, Spanish, Russian, Turkish,
Italian, Arab, French,
Ukrainian and Portuguese


Recent News

Main features of the International Meeting of the Madrid Declaration on ozone therapy

By |junio 14th, 2015|Categories: Congress & Meetings in Spain, Events Already Held, Important Events, Madrid Declaration 2nd Edition|

No commercial exhibition ISCO3 founded in Vienna on October 8, 2010, is an independent body

How and where to get the Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy (2nd. edition)

By |junio 14th, 2015|Categories: ISCO3, Madrid Declaration 2nd Edition|

You may get the Madrid Declaration through two ways: printed or online version. Buy either

A sad day for the Ozone Therapy world

By |abril 15th, 2015|Categories: Important Events, ISCO3|

ISCO3 (International Scientific Committee of Ozone Therapy) has just learnt with great sorry about the

Recent News

junio 14, 2015

Main features of the International Meeting of the Madrid Declaration on ozone therapy

By |junio 14th, 2015|Categories: Congress & Meetings in Spain, Events Already Held, Important Events, Madrid Declaration 2nd Edition|

No commercial exhibition ISCO3 founded in Vienna on October 8, 2010, is an independent body

How and where to get the Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy (2nd. edition)

By |junio 14th, 2015|Categories: ISCO3, Madrid Declaration 2nd Edition|

You may get the Madrid Declaration through two ways: printed or online version. Buy either

abril 15, 2015

A sad day for the Ozone Therapy world

By |abril 15th, 2015|Categories: Important Events, ISCO3|

ISCO3 (International Scientific Committee of Ozone Therapy) has just learnt with great sorry about the