
4o. Congreso de la Declaración de Madrid sobre la Ozonoterapia

“Por la Unificación de Criterios en la Práctica de la Ozonoterapia”
Evento científico organizado por ISCO3

Recent News

The Index of the Madrid Declaration on Ozone – ISCO3, 2nd ed.

By |junio 17th, 2015|Categories: Important Events, Madrid Declaration 2nd Edition|

The official presentation of the 2nd ed., of the Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy took place

ISCO3 for the period 2015-2020

By |junio 15th, 2015|Categories: Important Events, ISCO3|

Every five years the 21 ISCO3 members are elected. Three international calls for membership to

Main features of the International Meeting of the Madrid Declaration on ozone therapy

By |junio 14th, 2015|Categories: Congress & Meetings in Spain, Events Already Held, Important Events, Madrid Declaration 2nd Edition|

No commercial exhibition ISCO3 founded in Vienna on October 8, 2010, is an independent body

Recent News

junio 17, 2015

The Index of the Madrid Declaration on Ozone – ISCO3, 2nd ed.

By |junio 17th, 2015|Categories: Important Events, Madrid Declaration 2nd Edition|

The official presentation of the 2nd ed., of the Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy took place

ISCO3 for the period 2015-2020

By |junio 15th, 2015|Categories: Important Events, ISCO3|

Every five years the 21 ISCO3 members are elected. Three international calls for membership to

Main features of the International Meeting of the Madrid Declaration on ozone therapy

By |junio 14th, 2015|Categories: Congress & Meetings in Spain, Events Already Held, Important Events, Madrid Declaration 2nd Edition|

No commercial exhibition ISCO3 founded in Vienna on October 8, 2010, is an independent body