
Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy, 3rd edition, 2020
In 9 languages:
English, Spanish, Russian, Turkish,
Italian, Arab, French,
Ukrainian and Portuguese


Recent News

The deadline to postulate to ISCO3 has ended

By |marzo 16th, 2015|Categories: Important Events, ISCO3|

According to the ISCO3 Rules its members are selected for a five year period. The

Madrid Declaration Updating Process Keeps Going

By |febrero 12th, 2015|Categories: ISCO3, Madrid Declaration 2nd Edition, Publications|

Madrid Declaration Updating Process Keeps Going ISCO3 (International Scientific Committee of Ozone Therapy) issued a

Alado3 (Ozone Therapists Dentists Latinamerican Association) signed the Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy

By |febrero 5th, 2015|Categories: Important Events, ISCO3, Madrid Declaration 2nd Edition|

The newly created ALADO3 (Ozone Therapists Dentists Latinamerican Association), based in Mexico, has signed the

Recent News

marzo 16, 2015

The deadline to postulate to ISCO3 has ended

By |marzo 16th, 2015|Categories: Important Events, ISCO3|

According to the ISCO3 Rules its members are selected for a five year period. The

febrero 12, 2015

Madrid Declaration Updating Process Keeps Going

By |febrero 12th, 2015|Categories: ISCO3, Madrid Declaration 2nd Edition, Publications|

Madrid Declaration Updating Process Keeps Going ISCO3 (International Scientific Committee of Ozone Therapy) issued a

Alado3 (Ozone Therapists Dentists Latinamerican Association) signed the Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy

By |febrero 5th, 2015|Categories: Important Events, ISCO3, Madrid Declaration 2nd Edition|

The newly created ALADO3 (Ozone Therapists Dentists Latinamerican Association), based in Mexico, has signed the