
Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy, 3rd edition, 2020
In 9 languages:
English, Spanish, Russian, Turkish,
Italian, Arab, French,
Ukrainian and Portuguese


Recent News

Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy ISCO3, 3rd edition, 2020, 103 pages

By |mayo 12th, 2020|Categories: Madrid Declaration 3rd Edition|

"For the Unification of Criteria in the Practice of Ozone Therapy" Only Electronic Version: English

The “Antioxidants” Journal (impact factor 4,520) Publishes a Paper on Ozone Therapy and COVID-19

By |mayo 6th, 2020|Categories: Important Events, ISCO3, Publications|

Article written by Gregorio Martínez, Adriana Schwartz and Vincenzo Di Donna  Gregorio Martínez is a

Ended the 5th Diploma Course of Ozone Therapy Organized by AEPROMO

By |mayo 4th, 2020|Categories: Courses in Spain, Distance Learning Courses|

One word summarizes the result of the 5th diploma course: ” Successful”  The 5th Ozone

Recent News

mayo 12, 2020

Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy ISCO3, 3rd edition, 2020, 103 pages

By |mayo 12th, 2020|Categories: Madrid Declaration 3rd Edition|

"For the Unification of Criteria in the Practice of Ozone Therapy" Only Electronic Version: English

The “Antioxidants” Journal (impact factor 4,520) Publishes a Paper on Ozone Therapy and COVID-19

By |mayo 6th, 2020|Categories: Important Events, ISCO3, Publications|

Article written by Gregorio Martínez, Adriana Schwartz and Vincenzo Di Donna  Gregorio Martínez is a

Ended the 5th Diploma Course of Ozone Therapy Organized by AEPROMO

By |mayo 4th, 2020|Categories: Courses in Spain, Distance Learning Courses|

One word summarizes the result of the 5th diploma course: ” Successful”  The 5th Ozone