- In recent weeks ISCO3 has been invited to give conferences through the webinar system, organized in different parts of the world.
- ISCO3 has accepted the invitations, developing topics related to the use of ozonized saline solution, a route of application of ozone therapy, as a complementary therapy to face COVID-19.
“Ozone therapy for COVID-19”.
Webinar organized by the Russian Association of Ozone Therapy. August 20, 2020.
Speaker: Dra. Adriana Schwartz, scientific secretary of ISCO3, president of AEPROMO and IMEOF.
“Ozone therapy as a complementary treatment in patients with COVID-19, to reduce sequelae and disabilities.”
Webinar organized by the Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Peru. August 22 and 23, 2020.
Speaker: Dr. Adriana Schwartz, scientific secretary of ISCO3, president of AEPROMO and IMEOF. She gave two presentations; she also participated in two panel discussions and in the round table.
Speaker: Roberto Quintero, Legal Advisor of ISCO3, AEPROMO and IMEOF. Presentation: “Ozone Therapy, Legality, and Covid-19”.
“Scientific advances in ozone therapy”
Webinar organized by the Brazilian Institute of Ozone and its Applications. September 6, 2020.
Speaker: Dr. Gregorio Martínez. President of ISCO3 and member of AEPROMO.
Upcoming participation
International Congress of Advanced Therapies. México. October 10-11, 2020.
Keynote lecture by Dr. Adriana Schwartz, scientific secretary of ISCO3, president of AEPROMO and IMEOF.
Click here to watch: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1865716393571092&id=100003982471568