• The newly created ALADO3 (Ozone Therapists Dentists Latinamerican Association), based in Mexico, has signed the Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy.
  • The Declaration has been signed by almost all associations of ozone therapy in the world.
  • The president of ALADO3 is Dr. Nory Bazzano Mastelli.

The new signature by ALADO3 further strengthens the importance of the Declaration, as a reference document for the daily practice of this therapy around the world.

The Declaration approved on June 4, 2010, currently is in the process of updating, with the active participation of ozone therapists from different countries.

The Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy (2nd. Edition) will be officially launched on June 12, 2014 at the “International Meeting of The Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy –Towards an United Approach to the Practice of Ozone Therapy Worldwide” to be held at the Royal National Academy of Medicine in Madrid.