By decision adopted by ISCO3 (International Scientific Committee of Ozone Therapy), Dr. Froylán Alvarado is no longer a member of this committee as of October 7th, 2023. Consequently, Dr. Froylán Alvarado does not represent the committee in any way, cannot speak or write on its behalf, and cannot appear as a member of ISCO3.

ISCO3 had initiated an investigation against Dr. Froylán Alvarado on September 20 of this year, for alleged actions that would go against the committee’s objectives; and he was asked to explain the reasons for these actions.

Instead of answering, Dr. Froylán Alvarado decided to present his “irrevocable resignation” before being expelled from the Committee. Taking into consideration the Spanish civil code and its jurisprudence about silence, it was legitimate for us to infer that Dr. Alvarado did have the obligation to answer the questions posed and yet, he decided not to answer them. Consequently, his behavior met the requirements required by the Spanish Civil Code and its jurisprudence, thus confirming that he had indeed acted against the by-laws of the committee.

Dr. Froylán Alvarado did print the Declaration of Madrid on Ozone Therapy (3rd. ed., 2020) without authorization of ISCO3 and sold each copy for 2400 Mexican pesos (approximately US$130 or 124€). The Declaration is sold online by the committee for 30€. Additionally, the Legal Advisor of ISCO3 has reliable evidence (video recording, photos, and signed testimonies) that Dr. Froylan Alvarado did print and sell the Madrid Declaration without permission of the Committee.

The “irrevocable resignation” was accepted and therefore Dr. Froylán Alvarado is no longer a member of the committee as of October 7th , 2023.

October 20th, 2023.
ISCO3 Governing Board
(Signed) Gregorio Martínez, President
(Signed) Fadi Sabbah, Vice President
(Signed) Adriana Schwartz, Scientific Secretary.